Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You say you're ok. I say I'm ok.

We both know we're far from ok.

The affirmative mask is just to get the other by no matter the tears.

We know that.

Which is why you tell me you're ok and I tell you I'm ok.

We know better too.

I don't know why some things in the world just happen and some decisions in the world are made while we move on by.

Moving on. I don't know yet.

And last night, just that phrase you said made me break because I never knew how much it hurt to miss you.

Missing you. I hope you know.

I know you know.

Lots of love. Always. :)


  1. there is so much left.

    is the barrier really the barrier which prevents from sharing

  2. Like I told you, I think Life will come to a circle which will be completed by the both of you and you *will* meet at a point and maybe take it together from there.

    That's my belief; whether it will come true or not, that's left to be seen.

    Till then, well, that's my belief. =)

  3. Liberty Unleashed, thanks for commenting! Who might you be?
