Thursday, October 7, 2010

A huge chapter of my life...

I've always felt like a blob. And here's why.

And the fact that I wasn't and still am not much of a sports person, didn't help. (I'd still prefer a board game or catching up with friends or reading than playing a SPORT). So it started off and eventually led to this:

It still is a huge part of my life. Quite a few people who cross paths with me can't really go without saying the above. The snide smiles, smirks and comments... well let's just say they're passe. I think I've maxed out!

But today, after lots of self-work (emotionally, mentally, and yes physically as well), I can say that I don't really feel like a blob anymore. Maybe it's because I've fed myself oodles of self-confidence and huge amounts of positive self-regard (thanks to my academics, ranks, awards and gold-frikkin medal apart from various other things!). Or maybe it's just because I don't care as much as I used to. No wait, I do care as much. Or it's just that I rock in general!

I think what matters now is the end result! And no, I haven't suddenly transformed into this woman-of-your-dreams person and perhaps never will. But here's what I feel today.

To the people who've made me feel like a blob, I know it's my problem but here's something I'd like to say to close this chapter:


And that is how it's done! ;)

*images from the internet.


  1. THAT felt SO cathartic!

    Woohoo! :)

  2. wohooo!!! But Babs seriously - I always found you extremely beautiful - Ohhh!! how can I forget those fingers :) :)

  3. why do we bother so much about what this one said n what that one,just be BINDAAS.i am proud of myself having achieved more than so many others n I DONT CARE.

  4. Babe, you've always been a babe. And you KNOW this is not just to make you feel good.

  5. Su - thanks much! I think we're all beautiful in our own way... so yeah. :)

    K masi - first and foremost, WELCOME here! I'm so happy you've commented! Someone's spending quality time on the internet! ;) That apart, I'm very proud of you too! :)

    Chai - Babe to babe! I get what you're saying! :)

  6. I LOVE the first and last image :D

    Blob is what I feel at times too - but I guess those who crib about our weight are just envious of/about it :D

    Let's see who does better in life some years down the line - we can only weight and watch ;)

  7. Haha... I love your writing. I wish I'd seen this earlier.

    From one "blob" to a smaller "blob," Lauw, you are so beautiful, inside and out. You said it right, screw them all. :)

  8. Lauwly! We're all damn crazy beautiful! even in our mad demented ways!


    I don't doubt that at all!

  9. Reyn, we shall weight and watch!

    Or carry on with our lives, live it up and not weight and watch...

    unlike the blob monsters.
