Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Stream of Consciousness Way

It's rainy, sunny, windy, sultry, slow, dreamy and an all that Sunday.

There are the usual Sunday matinées on TV, the special Sunday lunch (which is most often something ma makes - kadhi chawal esp.), books, the ever beckoning bed and of course a share of dreaming, painting, music and the Monday dread that fill in the gaps of whatever remains.

So, in-keeping with this entire l-a-z-y feel, I'm going the Virginia Woolf way - The Stream of Consciousness way... :)

journeys...many to take, many to enjoy, many to make a part of my life. lush green journeys complete with a rainbow, if I may. Endless roads with blurred medians, banyan trees on either side, cool coconut water and the wind in my face. IN.MY.FACE.

beaches...crashing waves, rippling waves, icky seaweed in my toes, "sand therapy", running, falling, jumping, crashing, moving, seeing, screaming, hearing, watching, feeling, being and believing. BELIEVING.

I want some sunshine, some breeze, a rainbow and a jeep. I want a jeep with my guinea pigs, my notebook, my camera and me. And no loneliness please.

No loneliness please.

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