Thursday, September 30, 2010


I think the biggest challenge for people is to figure other people out. That's the ever evasive quest we're all out to seek, in more ways than one. People define our situations, our life, our goals, our everything; as much as we'd like to deny it. Looking at the statistics of things, how often would something other than a person determine things we do? Either in the form of compliance, rebellion or just plain being?

And why it's the ever evasive goal we seek is because human beings define the epitome of enigma, of relativity and of everything that isn't permanent. One time this, the other time that. Emotion A now, emotion D then.

And somewhere, it's not even about what A, B or C thinks, does or feels. It's about what I think, do or feel. And because we're all connected to each other in some weird cosmic twist, or to simply put it as Aristotle did - man is a social being, what A does magically affects me. Or C. Or even Z for that matter.

To try and be "cool" and say I don't care a s*** about what W thinks, is trying to pull a fast one on no one but yourself. Cuz the fact that you mentioned the above shows that somewhere, what W did affected you.

So my eternal question holds fort: Do we need to try and figure other people out to figure ourself out? Is the world that twisted in a weird a 6 degrees of separation sort of way?

I have no answers of course. But I do know that this is a never-ending messed up search because after all, it's us we're dealing with.

The quintessential question will always remain, however.


  1. I agree that the reason we try and figure out another person is to in some way figure ourselves out... we live in a society sooo intact... it's almost as if we have to figure out other people to understand what we are... we come to terms with or at least become aware of what boundaries we have in life in relation to other people...
    what you said is true... when someone says "i dont give a damn about what person X says" we are again figuring out what we dont like dealing with or what boundary or relations we need to set with the person in question...
    i had to deal with this shit just recently which is why i felt i had to say this... because all this time i used to think why do we even care but it has hit me how important it is to do so...
    nice writing btw...
    cheerios mate:)
