Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More on 25

I've never felt so angst ridden in my entire life than I've been feeling off late. Angst that's buried deep within the furrows of my every day. And I can't seem to pin point why I'm feeling the way I am. 

They say age plays a large role. But what is age without the meaning you give it? Isn't age supposed to just a number that rolls on by, faster than seems normal? Of course. But of course not. We're not sheets of paper or calendar squares, boxed and marked off with every passing day.

There is such a deep rooted introspection that keeps going on, almost as naturally as breathing goes on. Effortless, guiltless, seamless. Whom does one trust. who's been a friend who stood by, who cares, who doesn't care, how much, how little, till when, where till...the list of permutations and combinations is endless. Like I said, they're seamless.

I've been caught in the vortex, and all too suddenly, of what it actually feels like to be an adult. In the big, bad and crazy world. The games people play are astounding. The way life tests you almost shatters the ground you walk on. The way your entire worldview and belief systems sometimes come crashing down on you scar you.

And it just isn't easy. It's not something I ever thought would happen. But it's something we all have to deal with at some point or the other.

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