Monday, April 9, 2012


I've been meaning to blog, write and talk to you, for a while now. It's just that work and an awry tummy had the better of me. So, I'm back now - better and more alive =)

It's not like I have a post charted out in my head at the moment. I did have one on Saturday, but more on that later. I think this post feels more like its a real-time conversation I'm having with you than being just a piece of writing...

Over the week, I came to realize that I'm Monica Geller. And I'm sort of gleeful about it, and unabashedly so. *grin* I first thought it was about my need to be OCDish about a lot of things. Then I thought it was about my love for gluttony. Then I thought it was about the kind of person I am - dominating, strong personality-type, you know... Then I thought it was about the fact that I can actually cook and bake and eat and differentiate tastes (sometimes) and well, you get the drift. Then I thought it was about the complete lack of modesty! Turns out, the person I've been speaking about all along was not me, but this random and awesome character from FRIENDS named Monica Geller. In my body. With the same madness. At probably the same intensity. Maybe.

It sort of sealed the deal yesterday when I told a friend I preferred the way I made Eggs Menage a Trois as opposed to what we got at The Egg Factory. I just got stared at, but I stand firm on my belief. And yes, the original dish I had there is what originally melted my heart like butter on a Sunday morning, but today, it just doesn't taste as great.

Anyway, moving on to more important things, I was extremely overwhelmed thanks to the following:

- Having the brother (yes, you read that right, the brother!) volunteer to whisk around the yummy stuff I make to a)market, b)publicize and c) sell, all in a wheelbarrow. The idea sounds so awwwwwww and happy and family-ish. 

- Having a friend initiate me to start thinking about starting a small venture of my own, food-wise. My jaw dropped, I got freaked out and cooked some more for her. And then she asked me questions I still don't have the answers for. And what's even more freaky is that she meant business.

- Having readers and friends tell me to go head-on into food, cooking, documenting, food photography and the like. And to hear them say they'd be first in line to get what I put on the table.

- Having a friend tell me he'd invest if I ever plan to start up. I'm still woah-ing about it. 

See? How can I not be overwhelmed by the above? It really makes me think and wonder. And it scares the beegees out of me. And I eventually end up shutting that tiny window that's making this buzz louder. 

I don't know where I am and what I'm meant to be doing. I know there's a lot brewing in me like I've mentioned previously. Let's just see where things take me. I'm a baby in a world full of adults and it can be a tad too scary. Like I said, I don't know what's happening, but to hear all these things just reinforces the fact that there are people, albeit a small group, who really really really do believe in me. And the small group doesn't matter at the end of the day because those who believe are those whom I can count on for believing in me, and more.


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