Monday, January 9, 2012

Financial Times

The year at work has started off with reminders from the financial department to submit taxation paperwork. And there have been numerous "gentle reminders". But, I being me, noticed these after the week's break when submissions were nearing their due date.

We're officially in the last quarter of our financial year and it's begun with a flurry of mails and other financial nitty-gritties that just don't catch my attention, forget fancy. I've to think about what I've earned, how much I've earned, how much the government will suck out of my meager earnings and what not. Let's just forget how many auxiliary (and more important) thoughts have passed me by in the process; thoughts such as where the heck all my money went, why I've begun the new year and the last quarter being broke and what I can do to make that fast dying money tree more luscious and yielding. Let's also forget how depressing these thoughts make me feel. 

I don't care for gentle reminders. I'm too lax to care about the paperwork for I have an entire financial department - the biggest being ma and her advisors - that will anyway get all this done (at the cost of sounding conceited and nonchalant - but like I said - me no care). And the deadline was today. And I've left the last of my so-called investment bills to help me evade IT deductions at home. And that the drop-boxes lying all over the bay have left minus my "droppings" in them. So yes, that should be testimony enough to what I've been saying.

All that I've learnt from this entire mental ruffling is:

I've busted more cash than I can imagine

I don't know where it all went

That I managed to save more when I was earning way lesser than what I am today and still live a decent life (I even went clubbing at least twice every month back then, which is not the case anymore)

That I'm ok paying whatever income tax I'm liable to pay by law rather than scramble around paperwork that flies right over my head yet

That I've learnt a certain A and (maybe a) B about taxation. Who'd have thought that women are liable to be taxed 10% on additional earnings above 1.9 lakhs annually? And that concepts like tax brackets exist?

That it's high time I woke up, smelt the money and stopped being ignorant!

The only defense I have is that I live in Bangalore where nothing is cost-effective.
And that I've made 12 trips to different parts of the country this year, via various means of (quite expensive) transport.

And that mayyyyyybeeeeeee I have expensive tastes. 

And I'm the official accountant when we travel. Some things in life have no explanations. 


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