Tuesday, January 3, 2012


2011's been a funny year. It's been a year of many ups and an equal number of downs. It's been a year of exploration, confrontation, hurt, deceit, new paths discovered and lots of learning...one where a maturation process of sorts took place... 

This year has been one of such dichotomies...I cannot label it as one that was epic. It was however, one that took my breath away - in every sort of way. And today, as I sit here typing this post that has taken so many forms in my head over the past few months, I know it's been massive. And I can't pinpoint where all these months flew away to, never to come back. It's a great thing, except it gets hard to keep up with this pace sometimes. Perhaps that's how I've been feeling as time gushed by all this while. Perhaps that's why I've been so silent even though my mind's been bursting at its seams. There's so much that has happened and there's so much to say...

It's the year I quit something I never thought would be my cup of tea but which turned out to be soul-stirring - teaching. I quit with a purpose and even though the path I walk on today has altered considerably, the purpose still remains the same. Teaching, like I've said so many times before, was my way of giving back to the world. Being spiritual in more ways than one, this was my way of doing my bit - for the love of knowledge, life and learning. And that isn't changing any time soon.

2011 has been the year of travel. I've packed my bags and headed out as much as I possibly could. I've made plans, been impulsive, have taken off and my soul feels well fed. There have been trips to Kolkata, Patna, Nalanda and Rajgir. And then there have been encore trips to Goa and Wayanad - with friends and family. It's like I've finally sprouted those wings I've been craving to have. There's this sense of contentment when I look back and realize I've made 12 trips this entire year - it's a first, and I cannot explain how I feel. 

Kolkata = childhood summers, nights spent over crisp piano notes that hung heavy in its humidity while stories, conversations, fights, board games and laughter drifted through these years gone by. Today, the piano waits to be touched but is photographed instead. And there are a lot more photo frames and emptier rooms today. As I soaked in my time here, it hit home that we've grown up and left for good, in more ways than one. And yet the memories are so overpowering that there's no space for melancholy, just smiles that linger on over long distance conversations.

I had my 1st train journey alone this year, which is a big deal for me for I despise traveling alone. I guess there's a time for everything, and if there isn't, then you've just got to hold your breath and take the plunge!

I have to mention my stay in Patna not because of the special treatment family ensures you with but because of a few things that stuck with me. Life with this power couple can be so easy and yet, in the face of such immeasurable luxury, I've been surrounded with humility like I've never seen. It's been a refreshing change and one that I will always cherish simply because they're on a different level altogether. And I cannot stop brimming with pride - not just because they're family but because they've set an example that I can only hope to follow in my life someday.

Couple that with my trip to Nalanda and Rajgir and I have just one word - EPIC!

Nalanda University - Ruins


And continuing along the travel paradigm, here's how the rest of the year panned out

That would be Round 1 of Goa with family...that's my grandmum on a long walk we took, hand in hand, to/at the beach. Her first time at sea, the first time she ever let me hold her hand and guide her, the first time we realized in quietude that some roles have come of age and need to be reversed...and how precious and fleeting life is. We had a blast - fish, crabs, other smelly things and all. =)

2 trips to Goa with friends - Mind-blowing! 

That would be 3 separate trips to my soul place - Wayanad. Again a first for my grandmum who hasn't seen Kerala, ever. Humbling.

Gokarna deserves a separate post altogether. The only word that comes to my mind when I think of Gokarna is mesmerizing. And I feel grateful for being a part of that experience. I thought I would seal my year with this trip to Gokarna, but a surprise trip to Goa seemed to seal the deal. Again, that would require another post simply because what it meant to me wouldn't get its justice here. When I look back at my travels, I feel bloody lucky and I can't help thinking about how marvelously pretty and unexplored India still is to me. 

2011 has been EPIC on a deeper, more personal front because Ma went ahead and bought this. To be able to say that we have a home of our own, our small little abode, is something else altogether. It is, what I consider to be one of Ma's massive-est accomplishments and again, the pride doesn't stop. And it has absolutely no reason to.

Lastly, it's been a year of weddings as we've watched friends take the plunge - another overwhelming reality check!

It's a year that taught me so much about myself and the world around me. It was one of those years that showed me what the world is truly made up of...and I write these words with nothing but a sense of ease; with a flow that comes naturally minus any disgust, anger, pain or vengeance. I guess the maturation did its job well. It's been a time of standing, falling, getting up, learning, balancing, doing, undoing, working, traveling, partying, worrying, loving and most importantly, it's been a year of some God-awesome living!

All photographs are courtesy: Babushka.

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