Friday, February 24, 2012

Anythings, Somethings, Everythings

I'm sure we've all met the following people and experienced the following situations.

Me: What do you want to have for lunch?
Other: Anything.

Me: Let's go out somewhere. Where'd you wanna go?
Other: Anywhere, you decide.

Me: Wanna watch a movie? Let's go!
Other: Sure. I'm OK with anything.

Me: Let's eat out, it's been ages!
Other: Yeah let's. You decide.

Me: Do you think this looks good?
Other: Yeah, wear anything.

Me: I wanna go outta town this weekend. Where?
Other: I'm OK with anything da, you decide and plan.

You get the drift, don't you? I'm sure we all have the anythings and somethings and everythings in our life. Sometimes it's a wonderful thing because you have the option to decide, to take charge and to lead the way - which is OK with me because I am the quintessential control freak about many things. 

However, there are so many other times when you wish someone else would take that step forward and actually make a decision. And if you're a planner, like yours truly, then these anythings and somethings and everythings can be quite the task to manage. I think this is what happens either when:

a) you are the dominant one
b) you are the control freak
c) you are the person who takes the lead
d) you are the doer.

If we're any one of the above, then I'm sorry to say that we've created a habit of convenience and lethargy in the other. And that we're being taken for granted.


If all of the above situations happen, then we're too rigid to accept alternatives and we deserve an infinite number of anythings and somethings and everythings in our life. 


That our decisions rock, suit everyone's needs and that we're cool in general.

Go count them, it may tell us a thing or two about our own self :P

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