Today's been a weird kinda Monday. A good weird. Why? Because it didn't feel like Monday, for starters.
I've been ranting about how hungover the beginnings of a week can be and how my world's one of dichotomies at the moment - what with the see-sawing of opinions about my work timings - especially with a fast approaching winter.
So yes, while I braced for the swift arrival of another new week, did some weird sprint sort of thing between my bed and the next best thing (the geyser switch in the bathroom) and had the whole zombie-like stupor moment in front of my cupboard all over again, I didn't really wake with that usual Monday-grey cloud hovering over my head. You know, the one that spreads its blahness, static, foulness, and wrath sometimes, on unsuspecting people around you; especially if poked and prodded the wrong way. I was excused with all that drama today morning, and the lack of baggage can make one feel unbelievably awesome.
That, however, didn't stop me from cursing the change in weather as I splashed my fast-numbing and close to hypothermic face with the contents of a water tank exposed to the elements through the night. Never have I felt the need to dunk my hand in a pot of boiling water than today. And I realize that this is just the beginning.
But like I've said even earlier on, these are those initial 10 minutes one has to suffer in order to experience what you'll see below. May these crude versions give you a fraction's glimpse and feel of the magic and poetry I'm privileged to witness every morning.
Add Mark Knopfler's 'Romeo and Juliet' that showed up, and my Monday morning's entry into BTP began with a smile I never knew I was capable of having, at this hour, on a Monday.
I realize it doesn't take much to make me happy. A BIG thought to begin the week with.
I've been ranting about how hungover the beginnings of a week can be and how my world's one of dichotomies at the moment - what with the see-sawing of opinions about my work timings - especially with a fast approaching winter.
So yes, while I braced for the swift arrival of another new week, did some weird sprint sort of thing between my bed and the next best thing (the geyser switch in the bathroom) and had the whole zombie-like stupor moment in front of my cupboard all over again, I didn't really wake with that usual Monday-grey cloud hovering over my head. You know, the one that spreads its blahness, static, foulness, and wrath sometimes, on unsuspecting people around you; especially if poked and prodded the wrong way. I was excused with all that drama today morning, and the lack of baggage can make one feel unbelievably awesome.
That, however, didn't stop me from cursing the change in weather as I splashed my fast-numbing and close to hypothermic face with the contents of a water tank exposed to the elements through the night. Never have I felt the need to dunk my hand in a pot of boiling water than today. And I realize that this is just the beginning.
But like I've said even earlier on, these are those initial 10 minutes one has to suffer in order to experience what you'll see below. May these crude versions give you a fraction's glimpse and feel of the magic and poetry I'm privileged to witness every morning.
Add Mark Knopfler's 'Romeo and Juliet' that showed up, and my Monday morning's entry into BTP began with a smile I never knew I was capable of having, at this hour, on a Monday.
I realize it doesn't take much to make me happy. A BIG thought to begin the week with.
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