Wednesday, December 1, 2010

As I teach my students Achievement Motivation, I can't help but reflect and apply some of those concepts to my life.

Need for Achievement: a stable and learned characteristic in which satisfaction is obtained by striving for and attaining a level of excellence.

I don't need to be told that I possess strong characteristics of n Ach as it is called. I certainly possess all the traits that this need elaborates on. 

And I mean ALL. Including the fact that there's a limit one sets for oneself. Including the fact that no matter how good I am, I do not need to prove myself to others and the sad part is that this is exactly when I need to prove myself to others.

I constantly realize that maybe I'm not meant for this rat race

I realize that I wish to do things at my pace and achieve things as and when opportunities arise instead of constantly striking off tasks after tasks accomplished. I do not want to go through the rut that everyone else does. Which means that I wish to do my further studies if and when I please and that I wish to many many other things to make my life that much more enriched. But unfortunately, everything comes at a price. So it goes to say that if I don't do what i HAVE to essentially do, and now, then I would've lost my chance.

And my life to me is not about grasping at things and running far away from lost chances. My life is about being who I want to be, when I want to be and what I want to be. At my convenience rather than the convenience of others. 

My life is about making most of chances and opportunities, not grappling at lost chances.


  1. :)

    Am glad your life's this way.

    Mine is too.

    The joy, then, of knowing we did it our way and not whatever people told us to do, is much much more rewarding. :)

  2. yeah... but i wish to get there sometime in my life..

  3. we all will, i'm sure. it's just the journey that can get frustrating at times.
