Friday, August 24, 2012



I've been going quite crazy trying to figure a way in which I could be off Facebook while keeping a fraction of the benefits I used to get there.

Why was it such a task to leave Facebook? Because it gave me the visibility I needed. You went out there, read my blog, helped contribute to the cooking scenario and give me that faith in what I was doing. Writing and cooking is not my profession. They're something I love doing, at my own pace and frame of mind. 

I left Facebook for various reasons. But I still yearned for that space. I thought I could make do with my blog here if I tried new options with Blogger. I'm a tech dweeb. I know nothing about technology, computers or worse, HTML coding. I wanted a space for my food and photographs. I thought it best to create additional tabs here on this blog, and tried I did. I googled methods of getting those much needed tabs. But it didn't seem to work out since the Blogger interface has changed.

Somewhere along the way, in posts splashed everywhere (call it tactful advertising if you like), I found that Wordpress allows one to have tabs/pages within a blog. I've been on Wordpress before and back then, it seriously looked like too much for me to need or even want. I just needed that space where I could go and write at, occasionally. Now, it's more than writing. And I find the need to de-clutter (personally and on this space) quite overpowering. 

So I'm giving Wordpress another try. Here's where I will be shifting to. It's crazy for someone who knows not much about technology to keep skipping around. But I've got them ants in my pants. So I've moved here - - the same old me! New avatar, if you like. It can be quite annoying for you, the reader, to move around. But consider this to be a new destination I'm headed towards, with you. :)

And I get to have pages! Go check them out and tell me what you think. The blog is still being worked on, as we speak. It's quite exciting. I do hope this works out. If it doesn't, I'll figure something out. I need to know that I tried, at least. I'm looking forward to seeing you there. Do keep reading! :)

Much love,


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