Here's a track I chanced upon at dawn today. I don't know if its the track in its entirety or its lyrics or its beats or Nadia Ali's voice that had me latched on to it the entire day today. I think it's an amalgamation of everything and more thanks to my week that's laden and overflowing with the news of deaths in quick succession and work that makes me want to tear my hair out. All I want is my weekend. But even the weekend, which is extremely short lived, isn't appealing enough.
I want to liven the mood up, go on a long drive, let go, cut myself some slack, dance a night away to this song in slo-mo and just live minus any strings attached; just once, if not whenever I wish to. I want out.
There's just something about her voice that sucks me into the depths of this track and lets me float along on what seems like a giant comfy water-bed with nothing but peace around me... That's what I like best about select trance music - it sweeps you into this huge wave and lets you free fall. I'm a free fall phase person. I'm a trance girl. I need my trips.
And no, I'm not high on anything else.
For those of you who don't enjoy trance, don't bother. For those of you who're willing to give it a try, tag along and let it take you wherever it has to. And for those of you who dig it like I do, then dive right in. And close your eyes :)
I want to liven the mood up, go on a long drive, let go, cut myself some slack, dance a night away to this song in slo-mo and just live minus any strings attached; just once, if not whenever I wish to. I want out.
There's just something about her voice that sucks me into the depths of this track and lets me float along on what seems like a giant comfy water-bed with nothing but peace around me... That's what I like best about select trance music - it sweeps you into this huge wave and lets you free fall. I'm a free fall phase person. I'm a trance girl. I need my trips.
And no, I'm not high on anything else.
For those of you who don't enjoy trance, don't bother. For those of you who're willing to give it a try, tag along and let it take you wherever it has to. And for those of you who dig it like I do, then dive right in. And close your eyes :)
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