Saturday, February 19, 2011

Letter to a stranger

Dear Stranger,

I wish this weren't too difficult. I wish these decisions were easier to make -- easier done like said. I wish you would understand where I'm coming from. I wish I knew what you were thinking.

Dear stranger, that's what life's about -- meeting strangers and letting life take its course from thereon. But you need to take a step or two or three to get to somewhere. To know that none of us is ever ever alone. That even though we feel like the target, we're together to take the hit or miss. And if you knew and agreed, you'd have walked my way sometime back.

Dear stranger, I only know that we're on the same boat -- which may take us to the same place or drop us off at different destinations, which I do not know of. It doesn't just take stars and words to get us to where we're headed but faith and a common knowledge of fears, apprehensions and anxieties shared. Together. Some way if not all the way.

Dear stranger, there's only so much I can wait. And there's only so much you can make me wait for. I wonder if you'll ever know I waited. 

Dear stranger, come my way fast. I cannot wait to know if we're in or not. There's too many questions I have to match with yours. I cannot wait to know. 

And somehow, all I'm doing is waiting.

Dear stranger, there's only so much I can wait.

Stranger, come my way.