It all began in the year 2002. Yes, it's been an 8 year long association and one I hope continues on for a long long time.
I am indebted to the services of the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation, or BMTC as it is more commonly known as in the city! I know BMTC has been there wayyyyy before I started using its services and while the entire corp has expanded, added to its fleet and changed colours from red to blue and white, I am still a part of this great BMTC picture. Why? Because my day doesn't go without BMTC. No matter when or what time, I would choose to take the bus over autos in Bangalore - not because I am compelled to (which is a different story altogether) - but because I choose to.
My stint with buses began when I was in the 10th standard. This was a mode of transport I never thought I would use simply because I was petrified of using it as a kid even in ma's company. But then, 2002 happened and I haven't looked back ever since. And I love that it's become such an integral part of my life. So much so that I cannot do much without buses!
Bangalore has one of THE best bus networks! Yes, it does need a little time and patience to get used to (like all other public modes of transport) but it's worth the wait. I love how I've learnt to communicate in Kannada more often, how I know my city better, how I know routes inside out, how I understand the way the system functions and how sometimes (ok, more than just sometimes), I get the timings bang on! It's also nice to know that drivers and conductors become a regular feature of my every day life and vice versa. It's a pleasant mix of people my life sees! :)
I love how independent I feel. I love that I use public transport and contribute in my small way to the bigger things in life and I love that I have options. On days when I feel too burdened or tired, I can choose from a fleet of savvy red air conditioned volvos I like to call my red bubbles. At most other times, I love how I can be so comfortable in a not so exclusive and elite fleet - the white and blue ones!
The best part about bus journeys is that I get my time to space out - time to myself to just spaz and do nothing but be lost in my world. Nothing feels more relaxing than some good spaz time. The 2nd best part about them are the massive amounts of money I save which go in more productive and beautiful things than stupid Bangalore autos! So win-win it is!

BMTC has been one of the most gorgeous things I could associate myself with. To the 288A I began with to the 107, 107C, T3, 144K, 112 and of course, my beloved Hanumanji bus - 161B - including many others I travel by - thank you for making my life that much better!
PS> I think BMTC should hire me to brag about them! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm totally in this club with you :D
ReplyDeleteOoo, chai had commented just 3 minutes back! :D
ReplyDeleteNow am remembering that bus journey where she had us laughing with her funny faces! :P
I've never seen so much love being professed for a bus network :))
ReplyDelete@ Chai: if BMTC does ever hire me, I'm taking you along with me as well!
ReplyDelete@ Reyn: the bus journey that really sticks out is the day the 3 of us went to Lauw's place for Eid at her old house!
@ Sudarshan: BMTC rocks! Therefore the love! :)